From Dust to Divine: Understanding Ash Wednesday for LDS Members

Today marks the beginning of the Lenten season, a period of 40 days leading up to Easter. It is observed by many Christians, including Catholics, Anglicans, and Lutherans. While we do not typically observe Ash Wednesday, I have found that my personal observance of it and Lent is spiritually valuable. Ash Wednesday gets its name from the practice of placing ashes on the forehead in the shape of a cross as a sign of repentance and mortality. The ashes are typically made by burning palm fronds from the previous year's Palm Sunday. The ashes serve as a reminder that we…

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Infusions of Heavenly Light

In the ebb and flow of life we find,Sometimes we wander, lost and blind.Our path meanders, twists and turns,No clear direction, no light discerned. We search for answers, look for signs,We yearn for guidance, peace of mind.We seek for landmarks, solid ground,Beacons of hope to be found. But in the midst of all our strife,We find the key to a better life.Through daily prayer and scripture read,Our doubts and fears we swiftly shred. Simple acts, done each day,Can change the course and light the way.Just as a rudder steers a ship,Or a mansion starts with just one brick. So small…

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Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen to Good People?

As human beings, we often ask ourselves why bad things happen to good people. It's a question that has puzzled us for centuries. We see tragedies, injustices, and hardships that seem unfair and senseless. However, as people of faith, we believe that God is a loving, all-knowing God who is in control of everything. In this article, we'll explore two points to help answer this difficult question. We Don't See from God's Perspective One reason why we may not understand why bad things happen to good people is because we don't see things from God's perspective. In 1 Corinthians 13:12,…

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